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How To Use Essential Oils For Menopause Relief
Using essential oils for menopause relief is one way women can practice self care during this time of their lives. Although working with a healthcare provider who specializes in menopause
is sometimes useful, you can also take self care into your own hands.
Start with the tips on this page.
Menopause is the point in a woman's life when she has gone for one year
without a menstrual period. The time leading up to that point is
perimenopause, and the time after that point is postmenopause. Some
women breeze through this time with few problems. Other women experience
symptoms ranging from hot flashes and night sweats to insomnia and
fatigue to anxiety and depression.
Essential Oils for Menopause
Here's a collection of aromatherapy blends that may help you manage your menopause and feel better. For hot flash and night sweats relief, see Essential Oils for Hot Flashes.
Use this general menopause blend to massage your solar plexus in a clockwise direction:
- 6 drops neroli essential oil
- 3 drops mandarin essential oil
- 2 drops clary sage essential oil
- 2 tablespoons carrier oil
Source: Healing With Aromatherapy
To help relieve mood swings, headaches, and insomnia, add 5 to 8 drops of each of the following essential oils to to 2 tablespoons jojoba oil:
- Geranium
- Marjoram
- Rosemary
- Clary sage
- Lavender
Rub this blend onto your face and neck as needed.
Source: Massage & Aromatherapy: Simple Techniques to Use at Home
Aromatherapy Body Lotion
Use this body lotion to help relieve menopause symptoms:
- 4 tablespoons (2 ounces) unscented lotion, cream, or oil
- 6 drops lavender essential oil
- 6 drops geranium essential oil
- 2 drops neroli essential oil
- 1 drop rose essential oil
- 1,500 IUs vitamin E oil
Blend all ingredients and use as needed.
Source: Aromatherapy for Dummies
Baths for Menopause Relief
Bath Salts
This recipe makes enough bath salts for about six baths. Keeps for up to three months stored in a cool, dark place.
- 3 cups Epsom salt, sea salt, or pink Himalayan salt
- 7 drops anise essential oil (If you have had an estrogen-dependent cancer, replace the anise with lavender.)
- 7 drops angelica essential oil
- 7 drops roman chamomile essential oil
- 2 tablespoons carrier oil
- Add the essential oils and carrier oils to the salt. Stir until well blended.
- Put the salts in a jar with a lid. Let set for 24 hours. Stir again.
To use: Use 1/2 cup for a bath, stirring in the salt after you run the bath.
Adapted from Essential Oils For Healing
Stress Relief Bath Salts
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
- 2 drops clary sage essential oil
- 2 drops geranium essential oil
- 1 drop lavender essential oil
- 4 ounces (1/2 cup) sea salt
- 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) Epsom salt
- Combine the essential oils and carrier oils. Stir the blend into the combines salts.
- Add one tablespoon of salts to warm bath water in the evening for tranquil sleep. Store the rest of the blend in a jar for other stressful days.
Adapted from Elizabeth Ashley, "Menopausal Personality Changes and Anxiety," NAHA Aromatherapy Journal, Autumn 2016.3, p. 49.
Essential Oils for Menopause Symptom Relief
Use the following suggested essential oils for menopause symptoms in a massage oil, an aromatherapy bath, or a diffuser. Experiment to see which oils work best for you.
- Anxiety: Bergamot, jasmine, lavender, ylang ylang, roman or german chamomile
- Depression: Bergamot, neroli, melissa
- Headaches: Roman or german chamomile, lavender, peppermint
- Emotional ups and downs: Bergamot, jasmine, neroli, roman or german chamomile
- Mood swings: Grounding and balancing essential oils, such as patchouli, or soothing oils, such as lavender
- Irritability: Grounding and balancing essential oils or sedating oils, such as cardamom
- Fatigue: Energizing or stimulating essential oils, such as ginger, peppermint, or nutmeg
- Insomnia: Lavender
- Night sweats: Clary sage
Massage Blend
- 20 drops lavender essential oil
- 15 drops rose geranium essential oil
- 10 drops jasmine oil
- 5 drops rose absolute
- 1/4 cup evening primrose oil
Blend all ingredients in a 4-ounce bottle. Use for spot massage or for a full-body massage.
Source: The Healing Power of Essential Oils
Water Retention and Bloating Relief
- 15 drops lemon essential oil
- 5 drops peppermint essential oil
- 5 drops juniper berry essential oil
- 5 drops coriander seed essential oil
Blend the oils in a small dropper bottle.
To use, blend 3 to 5 drops in 1 teaspoon carrier oil. Massage onto lower back, abdomen, and upper thighs.
Source: The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
Other Menopause Relief Tips
Combine any of these practices with your essential oils for menopause:
- Regular massage therapy combined with essential oils for menopause can help relieve fatigue, anxiety and irritable feelings, and sore necks, shoulders, and backs, as well as increase energy and the ability to concentrate. Massage also encourages a positive body image and offers an opportunity for you to reconnect to your body and honor the changes you are experiencing. The type of massage is a personal preference. Some women like a deep massage, while others don't. Experiment and find what works best for you. Also consider other bodywork techniques, such as reflexology, acupressure, or reiki.
- Use meditation to slow down, tune into your body and
emotions, and improve your focus. Many meditation
techniques are available. One simple technique is to focus on your
breathing. Another is to repeat a word, such as "om" or "one" or any
simple word that has no special meaning to you. Consider taking a
meditation class.
- Exercise regularly. Exercise
has some of the same benefits as massage, including improved
circulation and the release of good-feeling endorphins. Exercise also
helps prevent weight gain that sometimes accompanies menopause. Some
women find yoga to be especially helpful, both for the exercise and the
meditative benefits.
- Take time for yourself. Spend time alone
or with someone you enjoy. Schedule specific times to be in nature,
engage in a creative activity (such as art, music, or writing), or
participate in an activity that renews your spirit.
- Eat a nutritious diet, with lots of veggies and fiber and not much sugar, caffeine, and junk food. Avoid alcohol if it triggers hot flashes. Diet is such a contentious subject. Experiment to find ways of eating that work best for you.
- Use hydrotherapy, such as hot baths, saunas, hot tubs, or foot baths, as a way to relax, if they don't trigger hot flashes for you.
- Consider acupuncture or naturopathy, both of which can help with hormone imbalances and their effects. Ask for referrals from friends or other healthcare providers.
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Photo Credit: Flickr User David Jackmanson