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If you want to combine essential oils and pregnancy, take extra care to use only oils safe for both you and the baby. If you have a medical condition, complications, or other doubts about using essential oils for pregnancy, consult a healthcare professional. Also, make sure you use only the highest quality products.
Let's start with information from Allison England's book Aromatherapy and Massage for Mother and Baby. She is a nurse and aromatherapist who operated an aromatherapy clinic for mothers and babies in the UK.
Rather than looking at what to avoid, let's look at Allison's suggestions for essential oils for pregnant women. For any use, she recommends a one percent (1%) dilution:
Bergamot: Mix with water in a spray bottle and use as an air freshener.
Cypress: Use after the fifth month for problems associated with sluggish circulation, such as fluid retention, cramps, and varicose veins.
Eucalyptus globulus: Use to help clear mucous and congestion.
Roman chamomile: Use for relaxation with pregnancy massage, skin care, baths, or diffusion.
Lavender: Use for relaxation or to help relieve headaches with massage, skin care, baths, or diffusion. Some sources have suggested that lavender isn't safe to use during pregnancy. However, Robert Tisserand, considered one of the top authorities on essential oils in the world, wrote a detailed blog post exploring myths and misinformation about lavender and pregnancy and looking at available research and scientific information. He concludes that all indications point to lavender as completely safe to use when you're pregnant.
Other essential oils safe for pregnancy, according to Allison, include lemon, mandarin, neroli, petitgrain, sandalwood, tea tree, and ylang-ylang. See her book for aromatherapy blends for specific pregnancy discomforts.
To help relieve morning sickness, she suggests inhaling lemon but notes it doesn't work for everyone. Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art suggests inhaling spearmint.
In The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood also recommends spearmint for morning sickness. You can add 4 to 6 drops to a bowl of boiling water and place the bowl on the floor by your bed at night, lessening the risk you'll feel sick in the morning after using this method for at least three consecutive nights.
An essential oil blend you can also use for the bowl method:
Alternatively, put 1 drop of the blend on a tissue and place it under your pillow.
For portable relief, add a few drops of the blend to an aromatherapy inhaler.
To help prevent stretch marks, Allison suggests massaging a few drops of this blend daily onto your hips, stomach, thighs, and breasts throughout pregnancy and afterward until you return to your usual weight:
Valerie Ann Worwood recommends daily use of a carrier oil blend:
Then, about once a week use this blend:
Blend #1:
Source: Complete Aromatherapy Handbook: Essential Oils for Radiant Health
Blend #2:
Adapted from Plant Therapy
According to Allison, essential oils safe to use during labor include:
She also offers specific recommendations for the different stages of labor. Of course, consult a professional healthcare provider if you have any complications or medical conditions.
Although this list may not be complete, aromatherapy experts generally recommend avoiding the following essential oils during pregnancy:
Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth and Breastfeeding by aromatherapist Demetria Clark
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