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If you have epilepsy, understanding how epilepsy and essential oils interact is important. Unfortunately, the research about using aromatherapy with this medical condition is sparse.
Although it's possible some essential oils may trigger seizures, sources differ on which oils people with epilepsy should avoid.
In the book Advanced Aromatherapy, Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D, recommends that people with epilepsy avoid anise, fennel, hyssop, nutmeg, parsley, and sage essential oils.
The Epilepsy Society recommends not using camphor, eucalyptus, fennel, hyssop, rosemary, sage, or spike lavender.
The paper Plant-Induced Seizures states that 11 plants are powerful convulsants because
they contain highly reactive monoterpene ketones, such as camphor,
pinocamphone, thujone, cineole, pulegone, sabinylacetate, and fenchone.
The plants are:
The results of the study Anticonvulsant Activity Of Citrus Aurantium Blossom Essential Oil (Neroli) suggested that neroli essential oil has constituents with anticonvulsant activity.
Other possibly helpful oils include:
Helpful oils are more likely to contain asarone, carvone, citral, eugenol, or linalool. Oils to avoid tend to contain terpene compounds like thujone, 1,8-cineole, camphor, and pinocamphone, according to The School for Aromatic Studies.
To possibly prevent seizures, The Essential Oils Desk Reference suggests directly inhaling frankincense or lavender essential oil four times a day (rub a drop into your palms and sniff or use a diffuser for 10 to 15 minutes). Another option is to dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and rub 2 to 3 drops behind your ears and on the back of your neck 2 to 3 times a day.
Other studies:
If you want to use essential oils with epilepsy, working with a qualified professional is a good idea. Also, pay close attention to essential oil safety guidelines.