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Use an Essential Oil Aphrodisiac To Spice Up Your Love Life

Use an essential oil aphrodisiac to add a little spice to your love life. Scents to seduce, arouse, and set the mood for sex have been around for centuries. Cleopatra reputedly seduced Marc Anthony with the scent of rose.

Lovers | Essential Oil Aphrodisiac

Aromatherapy Romance

Let's look at aphrodisiac essential oils that may help stimulate romance:

  • Cinnamon has been chosen in studies as a favorite scent by both men and women. Brian researcher Daniel Amen, MD, says cinnamon is the most powerful aphrodisiac for men. Other spicy essential oils for lovers include ginger, cardamon, and nutmeg. (Interesting that these spices are also used in cooking, isn't it?)

  • Jasmine absolute has a seductive, sedating scent that's been used for hundreds of years as an aphrodisiac in India. 

  • Patchouli is another Indian aphrodisiac. Its earthy fragrance has a balancing, grounding effect that helps ease anxiety.

  • Rose is harmonizing, comforting, and romantic. 

  • Sandalwood has an aroma close to a personal human scent and creates a sensual atmosphere. 

  • Vanilla oil may arouse your lover. In the early 20th century, a sex researcher found workers in a vanilla factory were constantly sexually aroused from being around the scent.

  • Ylang ylang is sweet and exotic. It's used for impotency and frigidity.

Other essential oils you can use for a little aromatherapy in the bedroom include myrrh, myrtle, and neroli. Because scent is such a personal preference, experiment to see what works best for you and your partner. Look for aromas that bring you joy and pleasure when you inhale the scent.

One option is to diffuse the essential oil of your choice with an aromatherapy diffuser. Here are a couple of diffuser blends.

  • 10 drops sandalwood 
  • 5 drops rose or ylang ylang 
  • 5 drops bergamot 


  • 5 drops sandalwood 
  • 5 drops patchouli 
  • 2 drops ylang ylang 
  • 2 drops clary sage 

For a bath, you can add 5 to 10 drops of one of these essential oil aphrodisiac blends to warm water.

For an aphrodisiac essential oil blend for massage, add 3 tablespoons carrier oil.

Essential Oil Aphrodisiac Lotion

For a feminine, seductive, alluring body lotion, combine:

  • 3 drops sweet orange essential oil
  • 3 drops neroli essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil or unscented body lotion

Women can also make an aromatherapy perfume.

Aphrodisiac Massage Oil Recipes

Massaging your partner can set the tone for love. Here are some suggested
romantic essential oil blends.


To set the mood for sensuous pleasure and slow, romantic love:

  • 3 drops rose essential oil
  • 3 drops sandalwood essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil or unscented body lotion

For a super-sexy aromatherapy massage blend:

  • 2 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 2 drops jasmine absolute oil
  • 2 drops ylang ylang essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil

Source: The Fragrant Veil: Scents for the Sensuous Woman

Blend of seductive essential oils:

  • 8 drops ginger essential oil
  • 5 drops myrrh essential oil
  • 2 drops jasmine absolute oil
  • 1 drop cardamon essential oil
  • 4 tablespoons carrier oil

Source: Essential Oils & Aromatherapy for Dummies

Seductive massage blend:

  • 10 drops sandalwood essential oil
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops ylang ylang or patchouli essential oil
  • 2 drops vanilla oil
  • 1 drop cinnamon essential oil
  • 1 drop jasmine absolute oil
  • 4 ounces (1/2 cup) sweet almond oil

Source: Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art

Spicy aphrodisiac massage oil:

  • 2 tablespoons organic jojoba oil
  • 5 drops ginger essential oil
  • 6 drops ylang ylang essential oil
  • 3 drops cinnamon leaf essential oil
  • 6 drops mandarin essential oil
  • 4 drops cardamom essential oil

Combine all the essential oils in a one-ounce bottle. Cap and shake well. Apply to body as appropriate.

Cautions: Avoid use in pregnancy. Slight risk of skin sensitization.

Source: Jade Shutes, B.A., Dipl. AT, CH. "Ginger (Zingiber officinale)." NAHA Aromatherapy Journal, Autumn 2017.3, p. 55.

Romantic Essential Oil Blends for Diffusing

Use these aphrodisiac essential oil blends in your aromatherapy diffuser:

  • 2 drops ylang ylang
  • 4 drops patchouli
  • 2 drops ginger


  • 3 drops rose
  • 2 drops geranium
  • 1 drop rosemary

For more:

Fifty Shades of Fragrance: Essential Oils for Aphrodisiac Aromatherapy by aromatherapist Elizabeth Ashley.

Essence of Love: Fragrance, Aphrodisiacs, and Aromatherapy for Lovers by aromatherapy expert Maggie Tisserand.

Scents & Scentuality: Aromatherapy and Essential Oils for Romance, Love, & Sex by aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood.

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Photo Credits: Lovers by Kurhan/123RF Stock Photo and Roses from MorgueFile