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"Saro is a pleasant breath of fresh air," states Working With Unusual Oils, "sweeping through to boost your health or confidence when it is teetering." Saro essential oil (Cinnamosma fragrans), also known as mandravasarotra essential oil, is a lesser-known oil steam distilled from the leaves and sometimes twigs of a small tree native to the wet tropical forests of West Madagascar.
Plant family: Canellaceae (wild cinnamon family)
Aroma: Camphorous with a slight lemony/fruity note. The Heart of Aromatherapy describes the scent as reminiscent of soft eucalyptus.
Perfume/Aromatic note: Middle to top.
Is saro safe to use during pregnancy? Consult a professional.
Is saro essential oil safe for children? Do not apply to or near the face of infants or young children, due to the 1,8 cineole content. One source suggests not using the oil with children under age 6, while another says not under age 10.
Main components:
Source: Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Edition
The Heart of Aromatherapy: "Saro has a warmth to it that can be comforting when you need a little support to feel healthy, and it especially shines in blends for respiratory health and sore muscles." Uses for the essential oil include clearing mucus and congestion, easing coughs and sore throats, soothing allergies, calming inflammation, feeling relaxed and uplifted, and making natural cleaning blends.
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Use saro to help relieve bronchitis, coughs, colds, flu, sinusitis, muscle pain and injury, cellulite, wounds, abscesses, and physical exhaustion.
The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness: In a massage oil, the pleasant aroma of saro lifts your mood and eases physical and mental exhaustion. The essential oil also supports the immune system and is a restorative for the liver and kidneys. Use the oil to help ease ear, nose, and throat complaints, including relieving congestion and reducing the pressure of sinusitis.
Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics, Volume 2: Psychologically, saro stimulates the mind, promotes alertness, and promotes self-confidence and motivation. The oil is indicated for depression and ADD. Physically, the essential oil restores hypotonic/weak conditions and warms asthenic/cold conditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the essential function of this oil is tonify the Qi and Yang, raise the Yang, and strengthen the Shen.
The Aromatherapy Companion: Saro has an affinity for the respiratory system. Use the oil in a personal inhaler, diffuser, or steam inhalation for colds, sinusitis, acute or chronic bronchitis, and moist or dry coughs. This essential oil also helps relieve foggy or cluttered thinking, lack of energy, and lethargy.
Aromatics: Saro is a comforting oil during the cold season. Use the oil to support the immune system or to help restore health and natural breathing. Suggested uses:
Base Formula suggests the following uses of saro essential oil:
Steam Blend
Use this blend to relieve pain, congestion, and swelling associated with sinus colds and sinus headaches. Makes one 5-ml stock blend.
For a sinus steam, use one drop of the blend. Keep your eyes closed when using essential oil blends in a steam treatment. For added benefit, leave the bowl of steaming water out—the oils will continue to diffuse.
If you experience discomfort or nasal irritation, do not steam and diffuse a few drops of the blend instead.
Source: Essential Living
Alternative blend for steam (from Base Formula):
DIY Chest Rub
Use this rub to relieve nasal congestion.
To use: Gently rub a dollop of the salve onto your chest and throat.
Source: Eden's Garden
Makes an 8-ounce jar of bath salts (enough for about 8 baths). Use to soothe the body after a vigorous workout or to relax and unwind after a tense day at work.
Fill the empty jar with bath salts. Add essential oils directly to the salt and stir vigorously for at least one minute.
To use: Add about two tablespoons to your bath after the tub has filled. Soak and enjoy.
Source: Essential Living