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Roman chamomile essential oil (Anthemis nobilis or Chamaemelum nobile) is harmonizing, peaceful, and soothing to the spirit, according to aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood in Aromatherapy For the Soul. She says this oil's emotional benefits are to encourage relaxation, stillness, calmness, softness, gentleness, serenity, spiritual awareness, emotional stability, inner peace, understanding, and cooperation.
Another name for this oil is English chamomile (British spelling camomile). Click here for a profile of German (blue) chamomile essential oil.
Plant family: Asteraceae/Compositae
Production: Steam distilled from the daisy-like flowers of the plant, a perennial herb.
Aroma: Sweet, fruity, herbaceous.
Perfume/Aromatic note: Middle
Is Roman chamomile safe to use during pregnancy? Yes, according to Aromatherapy and Massage For Mother and Baby and the IFPA Pregnancy Guidelines. But some sources caution against the oil's use—always a good idea to consult a professional.
Is Roman chamomile essential oil safe for children? Yes.
Cautions: Chamomile belongs to the daisy family and might trigger a reaction in someone with a ragweed allergy.
Main components:
Source: Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Ed.
The Heart of Aromatherapy: Use Roman chamomile for soothing skin irritation and inflammation, relieving sore muscles (including spasms and cramps), supporting digestion, easing nausea, and as a relaxing and uplifting tonic.
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Roman chamomile may help relieve muscle spasm and contractions, joint pain and inflammation, menstrual cramps, anxiety, depression, nervousness, insomnia, and stress-related conditions. The essential oil is also useful for skin conditions such as rashes, eczema, psoriasis, skin irritation, sunburn, and insect bites and stings.
The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (updated edition): Uses of Roman chamomile essential oil include skin care, muscle and joint pain, indigestion, nausea, menstrual pain, menopausal symptoms, headaches and migraines, insomnia, nervous tension, and stress-related conditions.
Aromatherapy For Healing the Spirit: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Roman chamomile soothes the flow of the body's Qi-energy, helping relax nerves, calm spasm, and ease pain. The essential oil also clears heat and helps reduce inflammation.
Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics, Volume I: Psychologically, Roman chamomile calms the mind and promotes relaxation and also supports emotional flexibility and stability. Physically, the essential oil relaxes hypertonic/tense conditions, such as those involving nervous tension, pain, and irritability. The oil is useful for all stress-related conditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the essential function of this essential oil is to regulate the Qi, calm the Liver, and harmonize the Shen.
Subtle Aromatherapy: Roman chamomile relates to the throat chakra and can help you speak your highest spiritual truth.
The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing: Roman chamomile can help activate your creativity, universal flow, and inner peace. The essential oil can calm the chatter in your mind and help you sort out your thoughts. The oil can also help relieve insomnia or anxiety and diminish emotional outbursts caused by PMS, menopause, or other hormonal imbalances.
Aromatherapy and Subtle Energy Techniques: Roman chamomile calms and comforts. In particular, this oil supports the second chakra to calm and soothe emotions, promote emotional stability and cooperation, and promote calm understanding of relationships with others.
Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Use Roman chamomile to support success and clarity in communication. Use the oil to attract money, prosperity, love, beauty, luck, justice, peace, and personal growth.
For sleep, diffuse a blend of Roman chamomile and lavender essential oils.
Bath Salt for Sleep and Calm
Fill the empty jar with salt. Add essential oils to the salt and mix vigorously for at least one minute.
To use: Add about two tablespoons to your bath water. Soak and enjoy. Adapted from Essential Living.
As a quick alternative for one bath, blend 2 drops Roman chamomile and 2 drops lavender in one teaspoon carrier oil (or milk or honey). Add the blend to your bath water.
Nourishing Body Oil
To make a soothing body oil for tired skin and muscles, blend:
10 Recipes with Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
Skin Soothing Body Butter
Blend essential oils into softened shea butter. Apply to skin as desired.
Source: Rocky Mountain Oils
Extra Tip
For irritated skin, use Roman chamomile hydrosol as a toner.
Back Rub Oil for Cough and Colds
Add jojoba and essential oils to bottle. Shake gently to mix.
To use: Shake gently. Apply a little oil to the back of the neck and back before bedtime or as needed during the day.
Caution: Do not use on children under five. Adapted from Essential Living.
Calming Aromatherapy Massage Oil
Source: Essential Oils For Healing
Tension-Anxiety Blend
To help relieved anxiety accompanied by tension:
Blend the essential oils in a small dark bottle. You can use the blend in several ways:
Source: Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
Photo Credit: Karelj - Own work, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons