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A Guide To Niaouli Essential Oil and Its Benefits and Uses

Niaouli essential oil (Melaleuca quinquenervia) is from the same plant family as tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi).

Aromatherapy supplies with the words Guide To Niaouli Essential Oil Benefits and Uses and photo of niaouli leaves and flowers.

Basic Niaouli Facts

Niaouli has six chemotypes: 1,8-cineole, (E)-nerolidol, linalool, methyleugenol, methylisoeugenol, and viridiflorol. Most common is the cineole chemotype, which is the focus of this profile.

Plant family: Myrtaceae

Production: Steam distilled from the leaves.

Aroma: Camphorous, earthy.

Perfume/Aromatic note: Middle

Is niaouli safe to use during pregnancy? Consult a professional.

Is niaouli essential oil safe for children? Do not use the cineole chemotype on or near the faces of infants or young children—the high levels of 1,8 cineole can depress the central nervous system and cause breathing problems in young children.

Main components of the cineole chemotype:

  • 1,8-cineole       55.0–65.0%
  • alpha-pinene     7.0–12.0%
  • (+)-limonene     6.0–12.0%
  • alpha-terpineol   4.0–10.0%

Source: Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Edition

Niaouli Aromatherapy Benefits

The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: Niaouli is invigorating and may help prevent colds, especially when used regularly in the shower.

Advanced Aromatherapy: The Science of Essential Oil Therapy: Niaouli may help relieve hemorrhoids and is useful for dealing with general skin problems.

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
: Niaouli may help relieve respiratory tract disorders, sinus congestion, sore throat, coughs, and colds. Other uses of the oil include muscle injury, rash, pimples, acne, wounds, cuts, and to repel insects.

375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols: Niaouli may help deal with strep throat, dental abscesses, and a variety of skin disorders.

The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (updated edition): In skin care, use niaouli for oily skin and to help heal burns, cuts, and other wounds, ulcers, spots, insect bites, boils, and acne. This essential oil may help relieve muscle aches and pains, rheumatism, poor circulation, coughs, sore throat, mucous, colds, and flu.

Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics, Volume 2: Psychologically, niaoul stimulates the mind and promotes alertness and also promotes self-confidence and motivation. Physically, the essential oil decongests damp/congestive and restores hypotonic/weak conditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the essential function of this oil is to tonify and raise the Qi, nourish Blood and essence, and strengthen the Shen. Suggested oils to blend with niaouli:

  • To relieve mental and physical fatigue: ravintsara
  • To help relieve varicose veins, hemorrhoids, or ankle swelling: cypress
  • To reduce mucous and promote a productive cough: black spruce

The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy (Third Edition): Niaouli helps alleviate mental fatigue and confusion, poor focus, and headaches.

The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing: Spiritually, niaouli can help you become aware of your soul's purpose. The oil clears the mind and improves focus and concentration and can also help clear negative emotions.

Aromatherapy and Subtle Energy Techniques: Niaouli can help protect you against negative outside influences.

Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Niaouli has strong cleansing properties that are ideal for purifying space and objects. The oil also clears negative thoughts and energy, reduces mental fatigue, invigorates the mind, and balances emotions.

Niaouli Essential Oil Uses

Massage Oil

  • 2 tablespoons (1 ounce) jojoba oil
  • 3 drops niaouli essential oil
  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 7 drops cedarwood essential oil

Blend ingredients in a one-ounce (30 ml) glass bottle.

Source: Aromahead Newsletter

Bed Bug Linen and Suitcase Spray

  • 1⁄2 ounce (1 tablespoon) distilled witch hazel
  • 1⁄2 ounce lavender hydrosol
  • 8-10 drops niaoul essential oil
  • 8-10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 6-8 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 1-ounce mist spray bottle

Mix all ingredients in the 1-ounce mist spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

To use: Mist spray blend onto bed linens and towels and on the floor around the bed and into your suitcase. Keep suitcase and clothing off the floor. You can also use this spray to help disinfect a hotel bathroom and freshen stale air.

Source: Kelly Holland Azzaro. "Summertime Blends from Your Aromatic Apothecary." NAHA Aromatherapy Journal, Summer 2015.2, p.32.

Sinus Infection Inhaler

  • 5 drops niaouli essential oil
  • 5 drops lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops green myrtle (Myrtus communis) essential oil
  • 5 drops Eucalyptus radiata essential oil
  • Aromatherapy inhaler

Add the drops of each essential oil into a small glass bowl. Place a blank inhaler pad into the bowl to soak up the oils. Place pad into the inhaler tube and then close the tube by placing the bottom on it.

Source: Jade Shutes, B.A., Dipl. AT, CH. "Green Myrtle Myrtus communis L." NAHA Aromatherapy Journal, Spring 2016.1, p. 59.

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Photo Credit: Geoff Derrin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons