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"Ancient hearts dance to the beat of the eucalyptus," writes aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood in Aromatherapy For the Soul. She says the emotional benefits of eucalyptus radiata essential oil are to encourage emotional balance, concentration, centering, and rationality.
Eucalyptus essential oil comes in different varieties. This profile focuses on two common ones used in aromatherapy: eucalyptus radiata and eucalyptus globulus (also called blue gum).
Plant family: Myrtaceae
Production: Steam distilled from the leaves of the tree.
Aroma: Eucalyptus globulus has a clear, sharp, fresh, and distinctive camphor smell. The scent of eucalyptus radiata is lighter.
Perfume/Aromatic note: Top to Middle
Is eucalyptus safe to use during pregnancy? Aromatherapy and Massage For Mother and Baby states eucalyptus globulus is safe during pregnancy but not for preconceptual care, labor, or postpartum care.
Is eucalyptus essential oil safe for children? Do not apply the oil to the faces of children under age 10, according to Essential Oil Safety, because essential oils high in 1,8-cineole (also known as eucalyptol) can cause
breathing problems in young children. Eucalyptus radiata is often recommended for children because it has a gentler scent than globulus.
Cautions: According to some (not all) sources, people with high blood pressure or epilepsy should avoid eucalyptus oil. Some people are sensitive to the smell, and the oil causes their eyes to water.
Main components:
Eucalyptus globulus
Eucalyptus radiata
Source: Essential Oil Safety, 2nd ed.
Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art:
Eucalyptus globulus is useful for respiratory conditions that produce
excessive mucous. The oil can help repair skin and relieve inflammation
and itching. The scent increases energy and helps restore emotional
The Heart of Aromatherapy:
Eucalyptus globulus and radiata are useful for supporting the
respiratory system, clearing mucous and congestion, calming
inflammation, soothing sore muscles and joints, promoting circulation,
relieving headaches, and promoting mental motivation, energy, focus, and
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Uses for eucalyptus globulus essential oil include respiratory problems, fever, catarrh, sinusitis, muscle aches and pain, rheumatism, and arthritis. Uses for eucalyptus radiata include respiratory tract problems, catarrh, sinusitis, colds, flu, fever, rheumatism, muscle aches and pains, menstrual cramps, headaches, mental exhaustion, fatigue, insects stings and bites, and as a general stimulant and tonic.
KG Stiles' Aromatherapy Library: In ayurvedic medicine, the cooling and spicy aroma of eucalyptus oil can
regulate and calm all the doshas.
Aromatherapy For Healing the Spirit: In Traditional Chinese Medicine eucalyptus globulus is a tonic of the Lung-Qi and helps clear Lung-phlegm and enhance breathing. The oil is an immune tonic and has stimulating, decongesting, and soothing qualities. The aroma dispels melancholy and revives the spirits. The energy of the oil is warm and dry and its main element is metal.
Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics, Volume I: Psychologically, Eucalyptus globulus and radiata simulate the mind and promote alertness, clarity, perspective, optimism, and self-confidence. Physically, the oils decongest damp/congestive conditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the essential function of eucalyptus is to raise the Yang, strengthen the Shen, and expel external pathogens.
Subtle Aromatherapy: Use eucalyptus to cleanse spaces of negative energies.
The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing: Incorporate eucalyptus essential oil into a meditation or yoga practice to remind you to be mindful of your breath. Mentally, the oil's aroma is useful when you set an intention to release negative or toxic thoughts. Emotionally, the aroma can help you release feeling of agitation and frustration.
Aromatherapy and Subtle Energy Techniques: Eucalyptus clears and cleanses. The oil clears energy blocks and negative energy. Especially good for the sixth chakra.
Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Eucalyptus is best known for its purification properties and clearing negativity. The oil supports dream and psychic work and communication with the spirits.
Headache and migraine relief: Blend 4 drops eucalyptus oil into two teaspoons (10 ml) of carrier oil. Massage some of the blend onto your temples, the tip of your nose, and your chest. For convenience and portability, you can make this blend in a roller bottle.
Refreshing foot soak: Add five drops of eucalyptus oil to a basin of warm water and soak your feet for 10–15 minutes.
To freshen stinky shoes: Put 4 to 6 drops of eucalyptus oil onto cotton balls and leave them in the shoes overnight.
Add eucalyptus oil to homemade cleaning products.
Prevent mold in the shower: Add 5 drops tea tree essential oil and 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil to a 16-ounce spray bottle filled with distilled water. After each shower, shake the bottle well and spray the shower (do not rinse) to prevent mold growth. Source: DIY Natural
Hydrating Shampoo For Dry Hair
Store the finished product in a cool place. Use as you would any other shampoo.
Eucalyptus Oil Blend For Scalp Psoriasis
Source: New Directions Aromatics
Homemade Vapor Rub
Source: Dr. Axe
Immune Boosting Inhaler
Add drops of essential oil to the blank cotton wick of the aromatherapy inhaler. Attach lid. Use the inhaler several times a day.
Source: Essential Living
Natural Bug Repellent
Add the water and essential oils to the spray bottle. Shake well to mix.
To use: Shake well. Spray skin and clothes every hour. Do not directly spray the face. You can spray your hands and wipe them onto your face but do not use on the hands and faces of young children and babies.
Source: Aromahead
Ant and Pest Spray
Add the water and essential oils to the spray bottle. Shake well to mix.
To use: Shake. Liberally spray surfaces and nooks and crannies. Wipe with a clean towel until damp. Use every day until you no longer have pests.
Australia has more than 500 species of eucalyptus trees. Here are other types of eucalyptus oil you might come across:
Photo Credit: By Joan Simon from Barcelona, España - Eucalyptus globulus, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons