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Using Essential Oils in Bath Water
Using essential oils in bath water can help you relax and heal. The best essential oils for a bath depend on what results you want and personal preference. However, avoid "hot" or skin-irritating oils such as cinnamon or oregano. Otherwise, feel free to experiment while being prudent!
Aromatherapy Bath Oil
A basic way to make a bath soak with essential oils is to blend an aromatherapy bath oil in a small dark bottle: add 25 drops of essential oil(s) to 2 tablespoons carrier oil. Use 1 teaspoon for one bath.
Lavender essential oil is a great choice for general relaxation. You can get imaginative with your essential oil choices (remember to avoid irritating oils) or try one of the following blends suggested in Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art:
- Relaxing: lavender, marjoram, neroli, and Roman chamomile
- Stimulating: grapefruit, peppermint, and rosemary
- Balancing: geranium, lavender, and orange
- Aphrodisiac: jasmine, sandalwood, and ylang ylang
For an extra relaxing boost, also add 2 cups Epsom salt to your bath water. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which is a natural depression reliever and muscle relaxer.
On this page:
Also, learn to make aromatherapy bath salts and bath bombs.
Healing Blends of Essential Oils in Bath Water
Blend the ingredients and add them to your bath.
To ease depressed feelings:
- 1 drop melissa essential oil
- 2 drops rose essential oil
- 2 drops jasmine oil
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
See more aromatherapy for depression suggestions.
To reduce anxiety:
- 3 drops Roman or German chamomile essential oil
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
- 1 drop mandarin essential oil
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
To help you sleep:
- 4 drops marjoram essential oil
- 2 drops Roman or German chamomile essential oil
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
See more suggestions for insomnia.
To reduce fluid retention or edema:
- 4 drops juniper essential oil
- 2 drops rosemary essential oil
- 2 drops lavender essential oil
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
- 2 cups sea salt
To reduce heat and inflammation:
- 4 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
- 2 cups apple cider vinegar
To relieve muscle soreness and stiffness:
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
- 5 drops juniper essential oil
- 6 drops rosemary essential oil
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
- 2 cups Epsom salt
Sources: Healing With Aromatherapy and Pure Scents for Well Being.
Sleep-Promoting Bath Blend
If you need help sleeping, try this blend of essential oils in bath water before bedtime:
- 1/4 cup grapeseed oil
- 1/4 cup almond oil
- 1 tablespoon brandy
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 3 drops rose essential oil
- 2 drops jasmine oil
- 1 drop neroli essential oil
- 1 drop patchouli essential oil
- 1 drop ylang ylang essential oil
- Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
- Pour into a small, dark glass bottle.
- Shake before each use, and add up to 2 tablespoons to a bath.
- Store away from heat and damp.
Source: Massage & Aromatherapy: Simple Techniques to Use at Home
Best Essential Oils for Bath Detox
This detox bath is adapted from a recipe by aromatherapist KG Stiles:
- Add 5 to 8 drops of cypress essential oil (or other detoxifying essential oil or blend) to one teaspoon carrier oil.
- Stir the oil blend into 1 to 4 cups of sea salt.
- Fill your tub with warm/hot water and stir in blend.
- Relax in the bath for 15 to 20 minutes or until the water cools. As you soak, imagine any toxins or negative emotions being drawn out and cleansed completely from your body and mind.
Stock Detox Bath Blend
To a 15ml dark-color glass dropper bottle add:
- 50 drops ravensara essential oil
- 50 drops lavender essential oil
- 50 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 2 drops rosemary essential oil
To use: dilute 5 to 6 drops in one teaspoon carrier oil. Source: Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Library
Milk and Honey Aromatherapy Bath
A bath of milk and honey:
- 1 teaspoon castile soap
- 1/2 cup sweet almond oil or sunflower oil
- 5-1/2 teaspoons vodka
- 4 tablespoons milk
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 egg
- 10 to 25 drops mandarin or geranium essential oil
- Place all ingredients in a blender and blend.
- Pour mixture into a glass container.
- Store in refrigerator. Makes enough for 8 baths.
Adapted from Aromatherapy Massage by Clare Maxwell-Hudson.
More Essential Oil Blends For Bath Products
Here are some additional essential oil blends you can use in bath products:
To wake up/feel energized or invigorated:
- orange + lemongrass
- lemon + peppermint
- peppermint + orange + lemon + lime
To calm down/relax/unwind:
- lavender + bergamot + ylang ylang
- eucalyptus + spearmint
- patchouli + sandalwood
To uplift and find your happy place:
- geranium + lemon + orange
- lavender + clary sage + bergamot
To support clear breathing:
- peppermint or rosemary + eucalyptus + lavender
- rosemary + cedarwood + orange + frankincense
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Photo Credit: Poznyakov/123RF Stock Photo