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The best essential oils for pain relief depends on the type of pain and the result you want. The following list shows potential effects of various essential oils:
For a numbing effect:
To reduce swelling:
For a heating effect:
To relax and sedate:
Source: Essential Oils & Aromatherapy for Dummies
essential oils with pain-relieving qualities include anise, coriander,
eucalyptus, niaouli, nutmeg, rosemary, sage, and wintergreen.
Blend your chosen essential oils with an aromatherapy carrier oil. Rub a little of the blend into the painful area. Generally, use 3 to 5 drops essential oil in 1 teaspoon carrier oil, though that may vary depending on the strength of the essential oil and your sensitivity to it. Spot test a blend before using it on a large area.
Click here for studies about essential oils for pain.
Muscle Pain Relief 1
Blend ingredients. Rub onto painful areas. Do not use for full-body massage.
Source: Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art
Muscle Pain Relief 2
Blend oils in a small glass bottle. Use the blend 2 to 3 times a day, as needed.
Source: Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing
Arthritis, Back Pain, and General Pain Relief
Blend the following ingredients in a small bottle:
Massage a little of the blend into the affected area as needed.
Source: Healing with Aromatherapy
Back Pain Relief
Use either of these blends for back massage.
Source: The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
Blend the following oils:
Run a warm bath. Stir in the blend. Soak for 20 to 30 minutes.
Adapted from The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness
To a 5-ml dark-color dropper bottle, add:
Cap the bottle and shake to blend. Let sit eight hours before using.
Diffuse a few drops of the blend, make an aromatherapy inhaler, or make a massage oil by adding 15 to 30 drops of the blend to one ounce (2 tablespoons) carrier oil.
Source: The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide
After-exercise stiffness:
Add up to 5 drops of one of these essential oils (diluted in 1 teaspoon carrier oil) to a warm/hot bath: eucalyptus, german chamomile, juniper, lemongrass, or marjoram.
Sprains, strains, and swollen joints:
Add up to 8 drops of essential oil to 4 teaspoons of carrier oil. Gently massage the blend around and above the injury. Use german or roman chamomile, cypress, frankincense, juniper, lavender, marjoram, or rosemary. Another option is to make a cold compress using 4 drops of essential oil, and apply the compress to the affected area.
Also see these articles for more about using essential oils for specific types of pain:
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