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Here are some tips for using essential oils for colds. The natural cold remedies in this article are for an adult. If using them for a child, in general, cut the amount of essential oil used in half, or more if your child tends to be sensitive. These blends are not recommended for infants or toddlers.
Let's start with a few cold prevention tips, or you can skip to a specific section:
Also see aromatherapy for earaches and aromatherapy for flu.
To help prevent colds, use an aromatherapy diffuser for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a day to diffuse an essential oil that cleans and purifies the air. Some oils that you can use are eucalyptus, ravensara, rosemary, tea tree, or thyme.
Also, wash your hands frequently and keep them away from your eyes, nose, and mouth to avoid spreading any cold virus you picked up from touching objects.
Other activities that support your immune system are getting enough sleep, moderate exercise, and managing stress.
At the first sign of a cold, massage one of the following immune-supporting blends into your throat and chest, paying attention to the lymph glands in your neck:
Source: Massage & Aromatherapy: Simple Techniques to Use at Home
This stronger blend contains some of the best essential oils for colds:
Source: Essential Oils Desk Reference
Note: Test blends on a small area before using it on a larger area to make sure your skin is not sensitive to one of the essential oils. If you are sensitive to an oil, leave it out, possibly replacing it with one of the other oils or with tea tree essential oil.
Another option is to to make an essential oils for colds diffuser blend.
To help relieve sore, achy feelings, take a hot bath with the following aromatherapy for colds blend once or twice a day:
Source: Healing With Aromatherapy
For a sore throat, use one of the following gargles:
Steam works well to help relieve nasal congestion. Use the following essential oils for congestion relief by adding them to a basin filled with hot, steaming water.
Place a towel over your head and inhale the steam for 10 minutes, being careful to keep your face far enough away from the water that you don't get burned.
Alternatives: Use 5 drops of eucalyptus or one of these essential oils: cypress, tea tree, lavender, rosemary, or frankincense.
For congestion relief at night, place one drop each of eucalyptus, tea tree, and lavender on your pillowcase.
Another option to help you sleep with a cold is to use a humidifier or vaporizer in the room. The humid air helps keep your air passages moist. Add some essential oil if your vaporizer or humidifier has the proper insert for adding essential oils. If it doesn't, use a small ceramic dish next to (not over) the steam outlet, close enough that the dish warms up from the steam but doesn't block the steam's path.
Also see homemade vapor rub.
If you must be out and about, get a small vial with a cap. Place 1/4 teaspoon of coarse salt in the vial. Add 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil and shake. Inhale as needed for congestion relief.
Alternately, make an aromatherapy inhaler with the following essential oils:
Source: Aromahead
Photo Credit: mcfarlandmo/Wikimedia Commons [CC-BY-2.0]