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Aromatherapy can often help deal with the symptoms of allergies, such as congestion, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, headaches, and an impaired sense of smell. The best essential oils for allergy relief depend on your specific allergy and your individual response. Experiment with different oils to find what works best for you.
The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness suggests the following essential oils to help relieve allergies:
Suggested bath oil blend:
Three ways to use german chamomile or lavender for nasal allergy relief:
Allergy-Proof Your Life recommends the following essential oils for allergies:
You can diffuse a few drops of the following essential oil blend for 10 to 20 minutes three times a day:
The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils suggests the following blend of essential oils for allergy relief:
Dilute 1 to 2 drops of the blend in a carrier oil. Apply to your face. (If possible, rinse your face with cold water first and apply blend to moist skin.)
You can make a personal aromatherapy inhaler using one of the following blends. Drop the essential oils onto the cotton wick in the inhaler. Keep the inhaler capped. Remove the cap and inhale as needed.
For adults:
For children over 5 years old:
Source: Aromahead
For information specific to kids, see Aromatherapy for Seasonal Allergies in Children.
Allergy Blend
Use in an inhaler or diffuser.
Source: Aromatherapy: A Holistic Guide to Natural Healing with Essential Oils
Many sources recommend a neti pot to help clean pollen, dust, dander, and other pollutants out of your nasal passages. A neti pot resembles a small teapot-shaped kettle. You fill the neti pot with warm distilled water and a little salt that doesn't contain iodine to create a saline solution.
To use, stand over a sink and tilt your head to one side. Pour the salt water into the nostril that's tilted up and let the water drain out of the other nostril.
Important: Use only distilled or purified water. Some news reports a few years ago indicated several people contracted parasites using tap water in a neti pot. This cannot happen if you use distilled water.
Can you add essential oil to the water in the neti pot? It's generally not recommended because essential oils can irritate the mucous membranes of your nasal passages. Instead, some sources recommend using hydrosols, with one part hydrosol to two parts warm distilled water.
Using essential oils around the house may help relieve allergy symptoms.
Use an aromatherapy diffuser to diffuse any allergy-relieving essential oil in your home.
You can also make cleaning products using essential oils that support allergy relief. Here's an all-purpose cleaning spray from Aromahead:
Sleepy Time Linen Spray
For an allergy-calming nighttime linen spray, add the following essential oils to a one-ounce spray bottle filled with distilled water:
Shake well before spraying on sheets at bedtime.
If you are allergic to dust mites, Aromahead recommends this linen spray:
Note: To better keep water and oils mixed, add a few drops of solubilizer.
Essential Oils For Allergies: Be Smarter. Be Natural. Be Allergy Free
Allergy Relief and Prevention: A Doctor's Complete Guide to Treatment and Self-Care
Photo Credit: mcfarlandmo [CC-BY-2.0]