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Guide To Calendula Essential Oil and Infused Oil and Their Benefits and Uses

Calendula essential oil is extracted from the flower petals of the pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) and is sometimes called marigold essential oil.

However, the essential oil is not common. You are much more likely to find calendula-infused oil (also called a macerated oil), which is made by infusing the fragrance of flowers into a vegetable oil.

A Guide To Calendula Essential Oil and Infused Oil and Their Benefits and Uses | Illustration of Calendula plant

It's important to recognize the difference between an essential oil and an infused oil and know what you're buying. The infused oil is good for sensitive and dry skin care and sometimes used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy recipes.

Important: Do not confuse pot marigold (Calendula) with French or Mexican marigold (Tagetes). Tagetes essential oil is also available.

Basic Calendula Facts

Plant family: Asteraceae

Production: The essential oil is steam distilled or CO2 extracted from the flower petals of the Calendula officinalis plant. The flowers are delicate and difficult—some people say near impossible—to steam distill. You are more likely to find a CO2 extract. You might also find a calendula absolute, which is a solvent-extracted oil.

Aroma: Musky, woody.

Is calendula safe to use during pregnancy? Do not use the essential oil or absolute. You can use calendula-infused oil. Aromatherapy and Massage For Mother and Baby recommends using the infused oil as part of a cream for sore and cracked nipples.

Is calendula oil safe for children? The infused oil is safe. The essential oil is probably safe, appropriately diluted. Consult a professional.

Cautions: When buying calendula, make sure you know whether you're getting an essential oil, a CO2 extract, an absolute, or an infused/macerated oil. If the bottle label indicates cold pressed or the ingredients include vegetable oil, you are buying an infused oil. Unfortunately, it's a bit confusing in the marketplace and not every company is fully transparent.

Calendula Essential Oil Uses

Calendula is useful for skin care, including burns, cuts, eczema, insect bites, rashes, and wounds, according to The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (updated edition).

Veda Oils: Use can use calendula essential oil to scent perfumes, soaps, candles, and natural bath oils. Use the oil in skin care products to support healthy skin and in hair care products to support a healthy scalp. This essential oil may also help repel mosquitoes.

Jeanne Rose: You can use calendula CO2 extract to help relieve skin disorders and pain. Calendula, along with rosemary, is used in ceremonies to remember the dead. The oil is also in spell work for happiness and harmony.

Blends made with calendula essential oil are not common. Here's one for minor wounds:

  • 3 drops helichrysum essential oil
  • 1 drop calendula essential oil (or CO2 extract)
  • 1 teaspoon tamanu oil
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon rosehip seed oil

Blend all ingredients in a small, dark, glass bottle. Apply a little of the blend to the wound several times a day.

Sacred Oils: Marigold essential oil supports vision and prophecy. The oil can help you get to the root of a problem or situation, protect against negative emotions, and give you insight into the future. The oil has an affinity with the brow (6th) chakra.

Calendula-Infused Oil

Calendula-infused oil is an excellent choice for skin care, according to The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy.

Use the infused oil as a carrier in essential oil blends for skin care. The oil is a good choice to smooth and soften rough feet and calluses. You can also use calendula-infused oil for after-sun skin care and as a general massage oil.

For dry, inflamed skin:

  • 1 teaspoon calendula-infused oil
  • 1 teaspoon wheatgerm oil
  • 1 teaspoon rosehip seed oil
  • 3 drops palmarosa essential oil
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil

Blend ingredients in dark glass bottle. Massage into skin as needed.
Source: Essential Oils: All Natural Remedies

Facial Elixir

  • 2 tablespoons (1 ounce) calendula-infused oil
  • 1 tablespoon (1/2 ounce) carrot-infused oil
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 2 drops rose essential oil
  • 5 drops neroli essential oil

Source: Jade Shutes, BA, Dipl. AT. "Calendula Herbal Oil." NAHA Aromatherapy Journal, Spring 2014.1, p. 39.

Buy calendula-infused oil or learn how to make it at Things To Do With Calendula.

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Photo Credit: Flower Illustration By Johann Georg Sturm, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons