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Guide To Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits and Uses

"This fragrance is strength and fortitude, giving us the bravery to venture forth into places unknown and unseen," writes aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood in Aromatherapy For the Soul. "Black pepper enables us to listen to the inner voice of inspiration." She also says the emotional benefits of black pepper essential oil (Piper nigrum) are to encourage fearlessness, strength, stamina, endurance, motivation, flexibility, and comfort.

Aromatherapy supplies with the words Guide To Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits and Uses and photo of pepper plant.

Basic Black Pepper Facts

Plant family: Piperaceae

Production: Steam distilled from dried black berries (peppercorns).

Aroma: Spicy, warm, peppery, woody.

Perfume/Aromatic note: Middle

Is black pepper safe to use during pregnancy? Some sources say yes, others say no. Consult a professional.
Is black pepper essential oil safe for children? Yes. Some sources recommend not using the oil with children under age 2.

Cautions: The essential oil can cause skin sensitization if oxidized.

Main components:

  • (+)–limonene        16.4–24.4%
  • beta-caryophyllene 9.4–30.9%
  • alpha-pinene         1.1–16.2%
  • delta-3-carene       trace–15.5%

Source: Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Edition, which also states, "Because of the pungency of fresh pepper, it is often incorrectly assumed that the oil must be a strong skin irritant."

Note: Two other essential oils are made the same plant as black pepper: white pepper and green pepper. Black Pepper comes ripe, dried berries; green pepper from the unripe green berries; and white pepper from fully ripe berries with the outside layer removed, leaving only the seed, according to Nature in Bottle.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits

Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art: Black pepper helps digestion and may improve circulation. The fragrance is emotionally stimulating and may be an aphrodisiac for some people.

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy for Dummies: Use black pepper in a chest rub during a cold or flu to help relieve congestion. Use the oil in a liniment to improve circulation and heat up tight muscles and sore joints. The scent is uplifting and may act as an aphrodisiac and help relieve the symptoms of tobacco withdrawal.

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Uses of black pepper essential oil include helping relieve general aches and pains, digestive problems, rheumatism, circulatory conditions, cold limbs, chills, and exhaustion. The oil may also help in convalescence and serve as a general nerve tonic.

The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils
(updated edition): Black pepper may help with relief of arthritis and rheumatic pain, muscle aches and pains, neuralgia, poor circulation, poor muscle tone, sprains, and stiffness. The oil may also help relieve colds, flu, and congestion, flatulence, loss of appetite, and nausea.

Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics, Volume I: Psychologically, black pepper promotes courage, self-confidence, grounding, and strength. Physically, the essential oil warms cold conditions and stimulates hypotonic/weak conditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the essential function of the oil is to tonify and raise the Yang, warm the interior, and strengthen the Shen.

Essential Oils Handbook for Aromatherapy Practice: Ayurvedic aromatherapy considers black pepper pungent and hot. The decreases vata and kapha and slightly increases pitta.

Subtle Aromatherapy: Black pepper stimulates you mentally and energizes you physically. The scent is useful for people who tend to daydream or fall asleep during meditation — use an inhaler before beginning meditation. The oil also helps remove blocks to energy flow between the chakras.

The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing
:lack pepper activates the sixth chakra (third eye) and supports your mind opening to the spiritual realm. Mentally, the essential oil stimulates your mind and may enhance mental clarity and memory. This essential oil also promotes emotional strength when you experience challenges and helps clear negative emotions.

Aromatherapy and Subtle Energy Techniques: Black pepper oil is energizing and clears blocked energy. Use the oil with the third (solar plexus) chakra to promote self worth, healthy personal power, stamina, courage, and self control.

Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Black pepper stimulates the mind, bringing focus and inner strength. Use the oil to increase awareness for divination and dreamwork and to help boost courage and determination.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Uses and Blends

For digestive issues, dilute black pepper in a carrier oil and massage the blend onto your abdomen.

Restore Sexual Energy

Add the following blend to a warm/hot bath. Soak for 20 to 30 minutes.

  • 2 drops black pepper essential oil
  • 3 drops rose essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon carrier oil
  • 1/2 cup sea salt

Adapted from Rocky Mountain Oils

Post-Workout Massage Oil

Use this massage oil after exercise:

  • 4 drops black pepper
  • 4 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 2 drops clary sage essential oil
  • 1 drop peppermint essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil

Source: Floracopeia

Memory Sharpener Blend

In a 5-ml glass bottle, combine the following essential oils:

  • 30 drops basil essential oil
  • 30 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 18 drops lemon essential oil
  • 18 drops black pepper

Add 15 drops of the blend to an aromatherapy inhaler or 5-10 drops to a diffuser.
Source: 150 Ways to Use Essential Oils from Eden's Garden

Diffuser Blend For Motivation

Use this blend in an essential oil diffuser:

  • 2 drops black pepper essential oil
  • 2 drops lime essential oil
  • 2 drops sweet orange essential oil
  • 2 drops frankincense essential oil

Source: Astrological Aromatherapy

Stop Smoking Aid

This blend may help reduce carvings when you want to quit smoking.

  • 10 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 8 drops black pepper essential oil
  • 2 drops rosemary verbenone essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons carrier oil

Blend oils in a one-ounce bottle. Apply a few drops to the sinus points around your nose and forehead and also on the back of your neck. Repeat as needed.
Adapted from The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide.

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