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Best Essential Oils for Stress Relief and Relaxation
Many essential oils have stress-relieving and relaxing properties. The best essential oils for stress relief and relaxation defend on factors such as the underlying cause of your stress, how you want to use the oils, and your personal scent preferences.
The Complete Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness has the following suggestions:
- To relieve burnout: grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lemon, vetiver
- To reduce frustration: bergamot, lavender
- To lessen mental stress: basil, cedarwood, roman chamomile, rosemary, thyme ct. thymol
- To reduce nervous exhaustion: basil, clary sage, clove bud, eranium, grapefruit, lavender, mandarin, rosemary, tea tree, thyme ct. linalool, ylang ylang
- To balance moods: clary sage, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, niaouli, rose
- For general calming: bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, ylang ylang
(The book has many more suggestions on pages 312–313.)
This article offers the following essential oil blends for stress:
Also see these articles for dealing with specific stressful states: anxiety, depression, grief, and panic attacks.
Stress-Relief Massage Oils
Massage Oil #1
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
- 3 drops sandalwood essential oil
- 3 drops rose geranium essential oil
- 1 drop basil essential oil
- 3 tablespoons carrier oil
Source: Massage & Aromatherapy: Simple Techniques to Use at Home
Massage Oil #2
- 9 drops clary sage essential oil
- 6 drops peppermint essential oil
- 3 drops lemon essential oil
- 2 tablespoons jojoba (or other carrier) oil
Source: Aromahead
Stock Relaxation Massage Blend
To a 5-ml glass dropper bottle, add the following essential oils:
- 20 drops vetiver
- 20 drops cypress
- 20 drops lavender
- 10 drops clary sage
- 30 drops bergamot
Cap and shake vigorously. Let sit for at least eight hours before using.
To use: Blend 15 to 30 drops into 2 tablespoons carrier oil.
Source: The Best Natural Cures Using Essential Oils
More Essential Oil Blends for Relaxation Massage
To reduce feelings of stress:
- 1 drop marjoram essential oil
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
- 3 drops sandalwood essential oil
- 3 drops roman chamomile essential oil
- 3 tablespoons carrier oil
To relieve anxious feelings:
- 3 drops sandalwood essential oil
- 4 drops spikenard essential oil
- 7 drops roman chamomile essential oil
- 2 tablespoons carrier oil
To calm:
- 5 drops roman chamomile essential oil
- 5 drops bergamot essential oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 1 tablespoon carrier oil
To relax:
- 4 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 drops roman chamomile essential oil
- 2 drops orange essential oil
- 2 tablespoons carrier oil
Best Essential Oils for Stress Relief Baths
lYou can make a stress essential oil blend to add to your bath.
Calming Bath
- 5 drops roman chamomile essential oil
- 5 drops rose essential oil
- 5 drops clary sage essential oil
- 3 drops jasmine absolute
- 1 tablespoon carrier oil
Source: Essential Oils For Healing
Bath Relaxation Blend
- 4 ounces (1/2 cup) jojoba oil
- 20 drops spikenard essential oil
- 10 drops orange essential oil
- One 4-ounce PET plastic bottle
Add jojoba to bottle, and then drop in essential oils. Close bottle. Shake gently to mix.
To use: Add a small cap-full of the blend to running bathwater. Not for use with children under five.
Source: Essential Living
Chill Out Bath Salts
Makes 3 cups.
- 5 drops vetiver essential oil
- 5 drops clary sage essential oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 tablespoons carrier oil
- 3 cups salt (sea, Epsom, or pink Himalayan, etc.)
- Blend all the oils in a small glass container.
- Place the salts in a dark-color glass container (minimum 3-cup size) that has a tight-fitting lid.
- Stir the oil blend into the salts.
- Place lid on container and let sit in a cool, dark place for 24 hours.
- Stir mixture again.
- Use 1/2 cup in a bath. Store salts in a cool, dark place for up to 3 months.
Source: Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing
Best Essential Oils for Stress Relief Diffuser Blends
Relaxing Diffuser Blend
This blend relaxes your body and centers your mind.
- 4 drops cedarwood essential oil
- 1 drop roman chamomile essential oil
- 5 drops frankincense essential oil
Source: Aromahead
Calming Diffuser Blend
- 3 drops ho leaf essential oil
- 2 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 drops geranium essential oil
- 1 drop bergamot essential oil
Adapted from Penny Price Aromatherapy
Inhaler Blends
Drop the essential oils onto a blank wick of an aromatherapy inhaler and smell as needed.
Stress Relief Inhaler
- 5 drops sweet orange essential oil
- 3 drops frankincense essential oil
- 2 drops cedarwood essential oil
Source: Aromahead
Grounding Inhaler
- 5 drops frankincense
- 5 drops cedarwood
- 3 drops lavender
- 2 drops roman chamomile
Source: AromaSense
Other Blends
- 6 drops ylang ylang essential oil
- 4 drops neroli essential oil
- 4 ounces (1/2 cup) distilled water
- One 4-ounce PET plastic or glass spray bottle
Add oils to water in spray bottle, shake gentle to mix.
Shake gently before use. Avoid spraying directly on the face. For a cooling mist, store the spray in the refrigerator. You can also use the spray on your sheets and pillow before going to bed.
Source: Essential Living
Image Credit: Chris Harvey/PhotoXpress